Clicks vs. Customers: Building Audience-Centric Content with an ICP


Imagine you spend hours crafting an engrossing blog post with eye-catching visuals and a punchy title. You hit publish, expecting a wave of engaged readers. But by the next day, your analytics paint a different picture. Clicks are good, but bounce rates are sky-high, and comments are crickets. 

Sound familiar? This is the click-chasing content mirage that tricks many marketers. With a Master’s degree in digital marketing and over three years of content marketing experience, I’ve seen this scenario play out countless times.

It highlights a major problem with content marketing today: not enough focus on building relationships with real customers.

It’s easy to get caught up in the chase for clicks. We churn out blog posts, infographics, and videos, with hopes of attracting a flood of visitors to our websites. 

But the truth is that clicks are a vanity metric. They don’t tell the whole story. What truly matters is growing a loyal audience of engaged customers who find value in your content. And that is what moves me as I create content every day.

The problem with click-chasing content is that it treats your audience as a monolith that’s only interested in superficial engagement. This approach might inflate your traffic numbers, but it fails to resonate with the potential customers who could benefit from your products or services.

By prioritizing audience-centric content, you shift the focus from short-term clicks to long-term relationships. So take the time to understand the persona of your ideal customer. What are their needs? What are their pain points?

Once you know all that, create content that addresses those challenges directly by providing genuine value and building trust with your target audience. This approach nurtures loyalty, increases engagement, and eventually converts clicks into customers.

What is an ICP?

An ICP – ideal customer persona – represents your dream target audience in the form of a detailed profile. It goes beyond demographics like age and income. We’re talking about a fictional representation that captures their:

  • Daily intentions and objectives
  • The kind of content they regularly consume
  • Their interests and emotional drivers?

By understanding your ICP on this deeper level, you can address the challenges your audience faces and tailor your content to speak directly to their needs and interests. No more creating generic blog posts that sound like they could be on any website. Instead, you produce targeted content that feels like a conversation with a friend who truly understands them.

But before digging deeper into ICP, let’s talk about the problem with click-chasing content.

Why empty clicks hurt your brand

Have you ever written a headline just so your reader has to click? “YOU WON’T BELIEVE…” might grab initial attention, but they rarely deliver value. That’s clickbait – content designed to lure you in with sensational promises and misleading information. 

The allure is obvious: a quick surge in traffic. But clickbait cuts like a double-edged sword. Sure, you might get the initial click, but what happens after? Disappointed readers who feel tricked will bounce from your site in seconds. This “bait and switch” tactic erodes trust and damages your brand reputation.

Data shows that clickbait content often boasts high click-through rates, but those victories ring hollow. Look closer and you’ll see abysmal dwell times and sky-high bounce rates. 

These metrics expose the truth that clickbait doesn’t convert. Disgruntled visitors won’t subscribe to your newsletter, download your ebook, or become paying customers.

The bottom line? Chasing clicks brings short-term gains and long-term consequences.

Audience-centric content strategy with an ICP

Ready to create content that truly connects with your audience? Let’s walk through a step-by-step process.

Step 1: Defining your ideal customer persona

We have to think of painting a detailed portrait of your dream customer. As discussed earlier, this moves past basic demographics like age and income. Your ICP will become a comprehensive customer profile that describes their:

  • Goals and aspirations. What are they striving for? What keeps them up at night?
  • Challenges and pain points. What roadblocks are they facing? How can your content help them overcome them?
  • Media consumption habits. What kind of content resonates with them – blog posts, infographics, videos, or something else?
  • Purchase influence factors. What are their job duties and skills? How do we influence them? How do you present a brand to them?
  • Values and motivations. What drives them? What are the underlying reasons behind their decisions?

At G2, we produce several different types of content daily. We want to make sure our content brings in traffic, while informing and engaging our readers. Our deep customer personas help us understand our audience by fleshing out these details. 

Step 2: Understanding their needs and pain points

After you’ve defined your ICP, it’s time to delve deeper into their world. Here are some methods to truly understand their challenges and interests.

“Our job is to find pain points that keep buyers up at night. You can’t simply reverse engineer the pain points to fit them in your content. This gives a complete picture of audience needs and lets you create content that resonates deeper.”

Sudipto Paul
Sr. Content Marketing Specialist, G2

Website user behavior analysis

  • Heatmaps: Use heatmap tools to visualize user behavior on your website. They can reveal where it’s difficult to navigate the platforms you offer or highlight specific pages users linger on, pinpointing potential content gaps.
  • Website analytics: Analyze user engagement and traffic on your site to see which content formats and topics resonate best with your audience. Google Analytics works as a great, free tool that presents real-time site or mobile app data.

Social listening

  • Brand mentions: Monitor how people discuss your brand everywhere online, not just review platforms.
  • Industry forums and communities: Actively participate in online communities and forums where your target audience gathers. Pay attention to the questions they ask, the challenges they share, and the information they seek.
  • Social media sentiment analysis: Go beyond surface-level social media engagement and utilize tools for sentiment analysis. This can uncover underlying frustrations expressed within social media discussions.

Direct customer engagement

  • Customer surveys: Ask existing customers and past buyers directly about their needs and content preferences. A simple, well-designed survey makes a huge difference.
  • Customer support tickets: You can analyze tickets to identify recurring issues or problems users commonly encounter and then prioritize content that addresses those challenges.
  • Chatbot conversations: Evaluate transcripts from live chat or chatbot interactions to look for areas where users require additional information or clarification.

Step 3: Putting it all together and creating your ICP

Here’s where we bring the data together to create a powerful tool: the ICP Dashboard. 

Let’s discuss an example of an ICP dashboard we created using G2 review data. We focused on a software category of asset tokenization platforms. A platform like G2 consists of millions of highly valuable data points. We aggregated those data points, i.e., user reviews of various software products under this category.

Here’s how we did it.

  • Data collection: We extracted relevant data points from G2 reviews left by asset tokenization platform users. The data you gather could include:
    • Reviewer demographics
    • Specific challenges mentioned in the reviews 
    • Features and functionalities reviewers value the most 
    • Sentiment analysis of the reviews – positive, negative, neutral
  • Visualization: We used the collected data to create a visual representation of our ICP within the dashboard. This included charts and graphs highlighting:
    • The most common pain points users face with asset tokenization platforms
    • The features potential customers desire most based on the reviews
    • Persona psychographics like interests, emotional drivers, or values

“At G2, there’s plenty of data for us to use. G2 Reviews are a gold mine of insights for understanding software buyers and power users. Our ICP Research Dashboard provides a peek into the audience’s minds, helping us create the right content.” 

Mohammad Farooq
Sr. Manager of Content Marketing, G2

And this is our creation:

icp dashboard

icp dashboard

Data blurred is G2’s proprietary data. For more information, explore G2’s Marketing Solutions.

icp dashboard

By creating an ICP dashboard with real-time data insights, you gain a dynamic picture of your target audience. This allows you to refine your content strategy according to the latest trends and ensures your content remains relevant, addressing the most pressing needs of your ICP.

Step 4: Creating content based on the ICP

With your ICP’s needs in mind, it’s time to craft valuable, targeted content. Here’s where the format comes into play. 

  • Blog posts offer in-depth guides, industry insights, and thought leadership pieces that address your ICP’s specific pain points.
  • Infographics present complex information using engaging visuals, perfect for audiences who prefer bite-sized content.
  • Videos capture attention and explain concepts dynamically, ideal for visually-oriented audiences.
  • Interactive content formats, like quizzes, polls, or webinars can help you cater to your ICP’s interests.

Remember, whatever format you use should always serve the content and harmonize with your ICP’s preferences.

Step 5: Promoting your content

Creating great content only makes up half the battle. At this point, you need to get it in front of the right eyes. Here’s where your ICP’s online behavior comes in handy.

  • Social media: Promote your content on the platforms your ICP frequents. Tailor your messaging to each platform’s audience.
  • Influencer outreach: Identify influencers within your ICP’s niche and collaborate with them to bring your work to their audiences.
  • Content syndication: Partner with relevant industry publications, websites, and blogs your ICP visits in order to reach a wider audience within your target market and establish yourself as a thought leader. 
  • Email marketing: Segment your email list according to user interests, and you’ll attract, engage, and convert your target audience by meeting them where they are and delivering valuable content that addresses their needs.

Here’s where you subscribe to G2’s newsletter. Get the inside scoop: Sign up for G2 Tea!

Remember, the key is aligning your content promotion strategy with the specific channels and formats your ICP prefers. By going to where your target audience already is and giving them important information that speaks to their concerns, you can win them over.

Communicating with different audiences

While a single ICP helps understand a core audience segment, communicating with diverse users also requires a more nuanced approach. Here are some strategies you can employ.

  • Segment your audience: Consider creating different ICPs for different types of audiences. For instance, at G2, we create different ICPs for each of our software categories. However, note that not all ICPs are created equal. Assign a priority level to each ICP based on factors like market size, revenue potential, or strategic fit. This focuses your resources on the most impactful segments. 
  • Content buckets: Make content about the needs of each segment. For example, say your ICP’s segments are based on business size. For small businesses, a blog post on “Scaling Marketing on a Budget” resonates, while an enterprise audience might connect with a whitepaper on “Managing Complex Marketing Analytics.” Organize your content into buckets aligned with your ICPs to identify and promote relevant content to each audience segment.
  • Data-driven refinement: Don’t stop testing your approach. A/B test different content types and messaging for each segment. Analyze data and traffic metrics to see what’s working and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Remember, even though your content caters to different needs, make sure it still reflects your overall brand voice and identity.

Audience insights into action

Success lies in building genuine relationships with your audience. By taking the time to understand your ICPs, you’ll make content that compels them to click – and stick around for a while.

Remember, content marketers run marathons, not sprints. By prioritizing your audience, your content will attract and retain customers, so use our guide and start building relationships that truly matter – today!

Want to learn more about how to create meaningful customer relationships? Read up on experiential marketing and how it can elevate your efforts. 

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